Rosenheim Laboratory Alumni have embarked on various journeys post graduation.
Ryan Venturelli
PhD 2021 University of South Florida
M.S. 2015 Indiana State University
B.S. 2013 Indiana University Northwest
Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Science and Engineering, Tulane University
Research Interests
I am an isotope geochemist who seeks to understand the co-evolution of interlinked cryospheric, geologic, biologic, and oceanographic systems. My research centers on the the application of geochemical tools to extend our record of Antarctic Ice Sheet change into the recent geologic past using presently ice covered archives.
I am currently (beginning February, 2021) a postdoctoral fellow at Tulane University working to understand the recent history of the Thwaites-Pine Island glacier system as part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration. I recently completed my Ph.D. at the University of South Florida (January, 2021) where I worked to reconstruct Holocene grounding line history in the southern Ross Sea Embayment as part of the Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA) Project.
Cristina Subt
PhD 2017 University of South Florida
M.S. 2013 Texas A&M University
B.S. 20XX
Current: Professor,
Research Interests
Caitlin Reynolds
M.S. 2018? University of South Florida
B.A. 2008 The University of Akron
Current: Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Research Interests
Devon Firesinger
M.S. 2017 University of South Florida
B.S. 2013 The University of Tampa
Current: Laboratory Scientist, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida
Research Interests
Matthew Pendergraft
M.S. 20XX Tulane University
B.S. 20XX
Current: Graduate Student Researcher, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego
Research Interests
Alvaro Fernandez
PhD 20XX Tulane University
B.S. 20XX
Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, ETH Zurich
Research Interests
Kimberly Roe
M.S. 20XX Tulane University
Research Interests
Elizabeth Williams First Rosenheim Lab Graduate!
PhD 20XX Tulane University
B.S. 20XX
Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, ETH Zurich